Summary of Save the Cat

This article is a summary of Save the Cat. Generally, the audience first encounters the protagonist when the protagonist performs a heroic deed, such as saving a cat.  Hence, it is up to the narrator to describe their portrayal of the hero, so that the audience listens.

Similarly, I am certain we have all been in social situations where we had to recall an anecdote. However, the audience’s reception to our tale left a lot to be desired. Quickly, the audience moves on to the next topic. We were left rehearsing the story in our heads to see if we missed something.

Therefore, I read this book with the hope that my stories could be presented in a more engaging manner.

Summary of Save the Cat - Book Cover
Summary of Save the Cat – Book Cover


The Logline


Ordinarily, when introducing our stories, people use the ‘logline’, a one line pitch indicative of the story. This gets to the meat of the story, setting the mood as to whether the audience wants to listen.

One thing to notice, is that some of the best loglines are ironic. For example, an upright policeman starts a life of crime. It could be a fish of water story or a tale about going undercover in a ludicrous location. In short, as a result of this logline, a mental picture can be formed in the recipient’s head.

Typically, when describing a movie, we use the phrase:

It’s about a guy who…

Therefore, the adjective used to describe the hero (or villain), and the goal must ring with the audience.


Introduce your story with one line
Introduce your story with one line


Summary of Save the Cat – Creative Pitches

Here are a few methods to get your creativity sparking:

  • Chose a serious genre (thriller, horror, drama) and turn it into a comedy. An example is the case of a five year old getting possessed by the ghost of a corrupt politician.
  • Alternatively, reverse the approach, transforming a comedy into something serious. This can be exemplified by an NPC gaining sentience and manipulates events so that they become the final boss.
  • FBI out of water. Pick 5 places where an FBI agent has never been undercover in.
  • The versus approach in a drama or comedy. Highlight multiple contrasting pairs of people on opposing sides of a central issue. For instance, a successful teacher trying to teach at a run down low achieving school.
  • My _ is a serial killer. Have you ever noticed someone acting so out of place or obviously shady? Assign them the role of a serial killer. In this case, it could be that between two introverted friends, one realizes that the other is a cult leader.


10 Categories of Movies


All things considered, successful stories follow the same existing clichés, yet they adapt them. Since these archetypes are broad, most films are enveloped within these categories. Moreover, you need to understand the narrative structure of these stories, making your story digestible to the listener.

Summary of Save the Cat - 10 Movie Types
Summary of Save the Cat – 10 Movie Types


Monster in the House


In essence, there are two central parts to this story. On the one hand there is a ravenous murdering monster, whereas on the other end there lies a house. Usually, people live in this house and wish to protect their shelter and themselves when confronted with this monster.

Owing to the survival fantasies people have, you should speak in terms of people descending into their primal urges. For if people are confronted with the primal law of ‘kill or be killed’ then how would they act?

The house is a background that is spatially limited .

Additionally, it does not necessarily need to be a house but a confined space, such as a remote island. By the same token, a sin could have been committed by the people – past or present. This urges the monster to surface, laying vengeance in its path.


The Golden Fleece


Commonly known as road movies, this category revolves around the protagonist going on the journey to find something.

Yet, they end up discovering something more substantial – themselves.

Alongside the many twists, the story is defined by the protagonist’s encounters with various places and people. To clarify, through these interactions, the protagonist undergoes internal growth.

Henceforth, the protagonist’s attitude changes along the journey, shafting the original goal to the side.

Moreover, the goal should be based on primal inclinations that grab the audience’s attention:

  1. Assurance of friends and family
  2. Anxiety toward death
  3. Survival
  4. Hunger
  5. Sex


Out of the Bottle


In short, wish fulfilment fantasies appeal to the human psyche since most of us are inherently devoid of these qualities. Equal to creating an elaborate ‘what if’ scenario is to cover a facet that all humans yearn for.

Usually, the protagonist appears to be a likable character in horrible circumstances, so they deserve the wish.

An illustration could be an underdog story of rags to riches – the wish being wealth that all humans desire.

Despite the reason the protagonist receives his wish, they are fundamentally flawed. Significantly, they realize that their wish is not what they truly want.

Whenever the wish becomes obsolete, the repressed real character of the protagonist is revealed. Thereby, they demonstrate what made them likable in the first place.

Accordingly, human nature dictates that the audience does not want to see the protagonist keep on winning in their pursuits. In light of this a moral must appear to the audience in the aftermath.

Summary of Save the Cat - Out of the Bottle Movie Types
Summary of Save the Cat – Out of the Bottle Movie Types


Dude with a Problem


First, the ordinary protagonist should venture through extraordinary circumstances. Since everybody considers themselves to be somewhat normal, listeners are more sympathetic to a hero with human restraints.

Throughout the struggle, the hero needs to uncover their strengths which they were not aware of.

To enumerate, the hero must have the willpower pertaining to their goal to overcome all the obstacles.

The sheer scale of the challenge makes these stories exhilarating. Coupled with an antagonist, whose sinister character needs to be at full display, the ordinariness of the hero is visible.

As has been shown above, you should crank the evil deeds or goals to the maximum.

Likewise, the more average the guy, the greater the challenge.


Rites of Passage


Coming of age stories are popular because of how everyone was once at this awkward transition phase. Consequently, we are all aware of the embarrassing acts and shameful questions.

More often than not we refuse to acknowledge this phase , making it repressed in our memories. Presently, when looking back we can only laugh at our foolish past selves.

Undeniably, these are painful anecdotes of pain filled with discomfort, but derive from an external force: Life.

The common tales of first love illustrates this confusion. For the most part these are tragic tales of unrequited feelings and self-acceptance. Yet, the tragic past is something we can all relate to.

Goofy and nostalgic in nature, these stories are what make us human – how we operate in sensitive times. Granted that most people have similar experiences, everyone is aware of the joke except for the protagonist undergoing change.

Ultimately the protagonist learns to surrender to their circumstances. Correspondingly the victory that comes from giving up to stronger forces.

Above all, the ultimate goal is acceptance of our humanity, no matter how difficult it may be.

This is the moral of the story: Life is hard, but it’s worth it.

Buddy Love


Usually, these stories centre on a protagonist and their sidekick participating on a quest. Essentially, the protagonist has someone to debate with and likewise reacts to their intricacies.

Surprisingly, the secret of this archetypes is that it’s actually a concealed love story.

Within ‘enemies to lovers’ rom-coms, two polar opposites are united in completing a task, albeit begrudgingly. Throughout the duration of their adventure, they come to accept that they are co-dependent on each other.

Upon understanding that they are two incomplete halves forming a whole, there resides resistance. Since their ego’s come before the fact that they need the other, there may be a temporary separation.

Overall, the protagonist goes through a transformation, whilst the sidekick’s function is to be the catalyst of the change. 


The Whydunit


To begin with there are many evils buried within the depths of human’s hearts. As such, greed is a natural human emotion that can lead to bad decisions. Also, the majority of humans are capable of murder – but our morality prevents this course of action.

Immediately, finding out the ‘why’ is infinitely more ‘interesting’ than simply finding out who. Regardless, this archetype is not so about changing a hero, it’s about the audience finding out something about human nature.

Prior to the crime, the audience were unaware of the possibility that a human could cause this.

Therefore, we (the audience) are the detectives, and our job is to figure out what happened. While there are characters solving the mystery within the story, deciphering the mystery is contingent on the audience. With scrutiny they process the information, arriving at a shocking conclusion.

Subsequently, investigating the dark side of humanity is often an investigation into ourselves, as we question to ourselves:

‘Are we this evil?’


The Fool Triumphant


On the surface, he appears to be the Village Fool, but upon closer inspection, he is the cleverest individual in town. In general, the Fool is an underdog, which gives him the advantage of anonymity.

Thus, people underestimate his capabilities, which allows him to ultimately shine. An example is Charlie Chaplin, who achieve success by the specialness that comes from not giving up despite the odds.

Markedly, the underdog can come out on top against a bigger, more powerful opponent by using wit and intelligence. In contrast to the serious structures that permeate our daily life, viewing the so-called “idiot” win give us all hope.

Every story of this trope requires a fool ill-equipped to succeed, going against a big bad institution. Yet, everyone surrounding the fool downplays his chance of achievement except for his accomplice.

For, the accomplice is aware of the competency of the fool and is in disbelief of this façade. However, they often receive the short end of the stick, spurring the fool into proactivity.




In summary, this archetype recounts gatherings, organizations, and “families.” Rather than simply demonstrating the glory of the institution, they also uncover the issues presiding within them.

This genre denotes the themes of sacrifice for the greater good and losing one’s individuality. All the while society has its say.

Frequently this story will be told from the perspective of a quizzical newbie. Thereupon, they are educated in the ins and outs of the institution and what being a member entails.

Eventually, they question the conception of the institution itself.


Summary of Save the Cat - Institutionalized Movie Types
Summary of Save the Cat – Institutionalized Movie Types


The Superhero


Now for the most commonly known archetype, where an exceptional individual lives in a standard world.

Hero stories requests that we loan human characteristics and our compassion, to a powerful protagonist. The heroes go against the limited mentality of the normal everyday person. As well as the constraints of society.

The hero should manage the people who are envious of his extraordinary intellect and strength.

On balance, the hero needs to have a flaw, whether it be in their personality or powers, to resonate with the audience.

These opposing forces attempt to curb the power of the hero. Ergo, the hero has to appease society and its leaders.

In reality the audience will never truly comprehend the hero. Instead, we empathize with their solitary dutiful plight against menacing forces and the fact that they are misunderstood by society.


The Story Structure


For the purpose of the original intent of being able to narrate a good story, I condensed the overall list. In spite of these edits, here is a brief overview in how to structure a story that grips an audience.

Opening Image

First thing to remember is to set the tone / mood by describing the background. Additionally, try to capture the emotions and use the five senses, to place the audience within your story.  Likewise, there should be a brief glimpse of the protagonist, the proactive agent in this story.

Set Up

In brief, you should mention the themes pertaining to the moral of the story. Albeit ever so slightly. Ideally, the stakes need to be set, so what does the protagonist need to fix or what do they lack?

To repeat, address the elephant in the room.

If you don’t mention the big problem staring everyone in the face, then how would the audience know?

Not to mention, you can add any secondary characters in this part. In short, this section highlights their initial reactions , acting as a reference point for later on.


Compelled by some act of God, a change occurs, bestowed on the protagonist.

But why?

You need to illustrate the events that fostered a change in the protagonist.  These life changing spur of the moment events might have the ability to occur to anyone.   

Comparatively the world of the protagonist has now changed.

Debate and Resolution

After the catalyst occurs, you need to tell the audience what the protagonist chose to do. How did they fix the issue at stake? More importantly, recall any moment of doubt / apprehension since there is a crossroads before making this choice. 

Think about why the protagonist chose this path. As a result of this decisive action, how did everyone else react?


Finally, tie up any lose ends and declare if there is any moral of the story.


The ‘Help the Introvert’ Scale

Save the Cat Summary 

Rating : 4 Stars


Overall, there are good techniques to deliver more engaging stories to an audience.  In brief, the archetypes help people understand how to structure their story. There is a lesson to be learned in how we initially pitch our story to the audience. 


My major gripe is that this book panders to film writing. This is evidenced by the structure of a movie chapter. On the whole, this book was not intended for conversational purposes, but is adequate regarding storytelling.   


If you enjoyed this Save the Cat Summary and want the full lowdown, then purchase the book here.

Comparably, if you want to know how to pitch yourself or your company, then read this article.

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