Questions to Ask for Every Hobby Part 3

This is the article version of the ‘Questions to Ask for Every Hobby Part 3’ email campaign.

The Million Dollar Question

Do you know what to say to someone who has a hobby of ____?

The right answer would guarantee lifelong friendship.

The wrong answer will mean you have been banished to the shadows.


Have you been developing your ability to make mental connections between hobbies and questions?

If you can associate gaits with horse riding then your onto a winner.

Congratulations as you have now begun to escape the clutches of obscurity, graduating into the social world.

As a reward here is a list of more hobby questions to add to your knowledge bank.   


It brings a tear to my eye to see how far you have come from being an anti-social introvert.

However, the journey does not end here. If you have a request of a hobby you would like some questions for, feel free to ask.

Everyone has different journeys but desire the same end destination. Even I am not there yet.

Until we meet again it has been a pleasure.


Use your knowledge bank to match hobbies with questions.
Use your knowledge bank to match hobbies with questions.



What is the best method to improve your footwork or stamina?

How many rounds can you last in the ring?

Who is your favourite boxer?

Have you ever had a really bad injury?

Have you ever knocked someone out?


Marital Arts

Do you prefer to grapple or strike?

What is your favourite martial art to use?

Have you ever had a really bad injury?

Do you have a particular strike or go-to submission?

Is there any discipline you want to learn or improve on?


Rock Climbing

Do you prefer indoor or outdoor rock climbing?

What is your favourite type of climbing hold (pinch, crimps, slopes, jamming)?

Do you use crack gloves or use crack techniques?

What is the best brand of climbing shoes you use for beginners?

Do you abseil down or prefer falling?



Do you bowl one or two handed?

Have you ever hit a 300 (perfect game)?

How did you practise your bowling release?

Do you prefer a heavy or light ball?

Can you do the hook shot?



Do you know how to trail break?

When did you start Karting?

Are you a fan of formula one?

Do you participate in the local leagues near you?

How would you rate yourself at corner entries and reaching the apex points? Apex points are the position where you want your kart to be next.



Which type of stitch do you prefer?

Do you use the English or continental method of knitting?

What is your most proudest accomplishment?

Is there a particular type of yarn you like to use?

Have you ever used a knitting machine or do you prefer to do it by hand?


Top tip: For sewing many of the questions are similar to knitting but change a few terms?

What are your favourite fabric combinations?

Is there a particular stich you use?



What type of skis do you use (powder, racing, freestyle skis and snowblades)?

Which type of skiing (alpine – downhill, extreme, Nordic – horizontal)?

Have you ever been to a ski resort? If so, where is your favourite location?

Can you do any aerials or have you tried free-riding)? Both are more extreme forms of skiing.

Which runs do you usually do (blue, red, black)?



What has been your most memorable moments whilst traveling?

Is there a location you want to go and why?

Have you ever witnessed any tense situations abroad?

How are the cultures different compared to here?

Is there an item that has become surprisingly useful in your travels?


Watching TV Series / Netflix

Recently has there been a TV Series that you have really enjoyed?

What sort of protagonists do you enjoy watching?

Do you have a to-do list of shows to watch?

What is your favourite genre?

Have you ever seen a character in a TV Series that has reminded you of yourself?


Listening to Music

What are your favourite artists to listen to?

Do you do any other activity whilst listening to music?

Is there an instrument you really want to play?

Do you use headphones or earphones? What is your favourite brand?

Is there a genre / artist you are not a fan of?



Are you preparing for a race or a marathon? Have you ever participated in one?

What is the best brand of running shoe that has worked for you?

How many miles per month do you usually run during practise?

When is the ideal time for you to run?

How do you avoid the feeling of gassing out?



Is there a trail that you found memorable?

What is your next adventure you have planned / want to go on?

Has there ever been a country that has drastically changed as you hiked through it?

What is the usual mileage you cover in a day?

Are there any useful items that beginners normally don’t pack?



What is your most proudest achievement?

What is your favourite / least favourite type of gymnastics (trampoline, tumbling, acrobatic, rhythmic)?

Have you ever participated in a competition?

What is your favourite apparatus / hardest to master?

Can you flip? What is your favourite flip?



Where can I find your work?

What medium do you use (acrylic, oil, watercolour)?

Do you prefer landscape or portrait? What is usually your subject?

Have you ever tried gouache painting?

Do you have a favourite artist?



Do you use PC or console?

Recently has there been any games you really enjoyed?

What is your favourite genre?

Has there been any memorable events in any multiplayer game?

What’s a game you like but is widely hated or vice versa?


If you want a recap of Part 2, click here,

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