Questions to Ask for Every Hobby Part 2

This is the article version of ‘Questions to Ask for Every Hobby Part 2’.

How to Secretly Manipulate People into Liking You

Who said manipulation is a bad thing?

As long as both parties are happy and there exists honesty then following this script is a win-win-win for everybody.

  • You become victorious since you know you have lightened up someone’s day by knowing a snippet about their hobby.
  • The recipient is delighted that they have discovered someone who is like minded.
  • Everyone else in the proximity sees you in a better light – making you appear more approachable.


If you can remember to ask any of these questions your reputation would positively sky rocket. Watch the recipient’s face glow as they realize you exist on the same wavelength.

This addictive sensation is only possible to those who can harmonize with the other person.

Briefly mentioning a hobby specific term demonstrates your awareness of the interests of others. Fool everyone into thinking you have an appreciation into every hobby imaginable.

And the best part is they will never catch on!

Constantly highlight that you have a brief understanding of the intricacies of their hobby, and they will ALWAYS forgive you. So, show interest in their experiences and act inquisitive.

In Part 2 of the Social Survival Hobby Question Playbook, we look at more niche hobbies – which people rarely investigate.

Use this to your advantage to give colour to their world.

Now it’s time to expand your brains.

What do you ask someone whose hobby is painting?
What do you ask someone whose hobby is painting?



When do you think it is the absolute best time of year to come fishing?

What is your largest catch?

Have you ever caught anything weird?

Do you use jigs when fishing, if so what type?

What is your preferred tackle box and what does it include?



Is there any particular soil types you prefer to use?

What crops are you growing this season?

Have you tried companion planting?

Do you use crop rotations when growing your crops?

What planting systems do you use (no dig, permaculture, raised beds) ?



If a guest is coming over, what is your go-to meal?

Is there any country which influenced your cuisine?

Have you tried plant based products yet? What are your opinions of them?

Do you remember the tastiest food you have ever eaten?

What is your favourite dish to cook?



Do you prefer to whisk by hand or by machine?

Can you knead like a pro?

What is your favourite thing to bake?

Do you prefer to bake sweet or savoury?

Is there a bake that made you feel really accomplished after finishing it?



Have you tried night photography?

How many lenses do you own?

What type of photography do you do (landscape or portraits)?

Have you ever tried instant photography?

Is there a particular scene you want to capture?



Do you use the strava app?

How many different bikes do you own?

What is your favourite type of bike to ride (mountain, cyclocross, hybrid, road, folding) ?

Do you prefer to cycle on road or off road?

How do you manage the climb when going uphill?



What is the best thing to eat before and after a workout?

Do you do both weights and cardio?

What is the maximum you have ever deadlifted?

What weights do you use for your bicep curls?

How many reps can you do on the arm bar?



When is the best time of day to do yoga?

Do you have to be flexible to do yoga?

Is there a particular style you enjoy doing? Yin / restorative are slow and Vinyasa / Hatha have more movement and are more challenging.

What is your favourite yoga pose?

Have you ever felt the savasana (the blissful satate of relaxation)?


Learning a New Language

Is there a particular app or website that has helped you?

How many different languages are you conversational in?

Is there a country you want to visit after you have mastered this language?

Have you ever dreamed in a foreign language?

What other languages do you wish to learn?



Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction?

What is your favourite genre of books to read? Are there any genres you dislike?

Is there a particular type of protagonist you enjoy reading about?

How fast is your reading speed?

What is your favourite book to read?



This list is eerily similar to reading.

Do you prefer to write fiction or non-fiction?

What is your favourite genre of books to write about? Are there any genres you avoid?

Is there a particular type of protagonist you enjoy writing about?

Has there been any book that has inspired you the most when writing?

What is one of the most difficult things you encounter whilst writing?



How many different openings have you memorised?

Do you have a chess rank online?

What are your favourite openings with white/black? Which openings you don’t like?

How do you improve your decision making in chess?

Have you ever witnessed the fools move or short checkmate experiences?


Horse Riding

What is your favourite horse breed?

How expensive is it to raise a horse?

Do you participate in the grooming procedure as well? What is the best / worst part of it?

Is there any gait you prefer? Gaits are the different ways that horses travel. The main gaits are walk, trot, canter, gallop.

Do you wish to participate in eventing? dressage, cross-country, and show jumping are the main formats.


If you want to re-read part 1 of the Social Survival Hobby Question Playbook click here.

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