Questions to Ask for Every Hobby

This is the article version for the ‘Questions to Ask for Every Hobby’ Email Campaign.


How a Social Introvert Became the Wolf of Wall Street

All social introverts can relate to Regular Joe.

Regular Joe detested social conversation. The mere idea of conversing with another human being made his stomach nauseous.

Whenever he was forced to strike up a conversation with someone else his mind went blank. Every time he blamed his introverted nature to explain his shyness.


He reached the breaking point was when he was forced to work with a pretty girl.

During this project he came in with high spirits but left a defeated man.

He could not speak to her if his life depended on it.

Joe counted the minutes till the deadline was over.

He had no clue as to how to talk to others and this was only going to continue for the rest of his life.

After the same episode repeated itself over and over again, he decided enough was enough.


So how did Joe fight back?


He learnt the art of small talk – being able to briefly converse with someone about their interests.

This built the foundations for friendly relationships and Joe felt better about himself.

Eventually, Joe knew the right questions to ask about every conceivable hobby on Earth, so people naturally gravitated to him.


Joe was still an introvert but his confidence around people grew.

Essentially, he feigned a shared interest in the interests of others.  Now it is our turn to do the same.


Welcome to Part 1 of our Social Survival Hobby Question Playbook.

Here is a list of the most popular hobbies and the right questions to ask.

What do you ask someone whose hobby is running?
What do you ask someone whose hobby is running?


Do you have a favourite side of the court (forehand vs backhand)?

Are you a singles or doubles player?

How many miles per hour is your serve?

What tips would you give to someone who’s never played tennis before?

Do you have a favourite shot to hit (volley or half volley)?



What position do you play?

Which team do you support?

Who do you model your game after?

Can you manage the full 90 minutes?

Who is your favourite player?



What position do you play?

Which league do you watch (rugby league vs rugby union)?

Which form of rugby do you play?

Do you have a preferred way to score?

How do you survive the scrum?



How many different irons (golf clubs) do you own?

What courses have you played on? Any favourites?

Do you have a preferred golf swing?

Which golf club set is the beginners? What set did you first own?

Have you ever hit a hole in one?



Are you a bowler or batsman?

Which format do you enjoy playing (T20 or test matches)?

Where on the batting order do you prefer to be?

What position do you prefer to be when fielding?

Which player do you try to imitate?



What position do you play?

Do you have a favourite NBA team?

Have you ever performed a slum dunk?

How is your 3 pointer game?

Is there a basketball player you mould your game after?


Table Tennis

Do you play far back from the table or mid distance?

How good is your forehand and backhand drive?

Are you a singles or doubles player?

Do you prefer forehand or backhand counter hit?

How do you improve your reflexes?



What position do you play?

Do you serve underhand or overhand (with a run up or not)?

Have you ever spiked a volleyball?

What is your highest vertical jump?

How do you position your arms for the dig?



What position do you play?

How do you get height on your drag flicks?

Do you have a preferred stick?

Is there a go-to shot you use?

What is the best way to trap the ball, especially against aerials?



Are you a singles or doubles player?

How many slices do you usually use?

Do you prefer the drop shot, the smash or the net shot?

Usually do you serve forehand or backhand?

What racket should I buy with what tension for beginners?



Can you tread water? If so, how?

What is your favourite swimming stroke?

Do you know how fast you can swim 100m?

What is the deepest amount of water you swam over?

Can you open your eyes when underwater?



Do you have a particular take off approach?

Have you ever felt the perfect entry into water?

Can you somersault whilst diving?

What’s the highest platform you have dived from?

Which type of diving do you prefer ( forward, backward, reverse dive)?


Scuba Diving

Are you certified?

Do you prefer wrecks or reefs?

What’s your longest bottom time?

Where have you dived?

Did you ever get the bends?



Are you in favour of wearing fins when snorkelling?

Is there a method you use to stay afloat?

What’s your longest bottom time?

Do you have a favourite dive location?

Have you ever tried underwater photography?


White Water Rafting

What is the highest grade river you’ve participated in?

Do you have any memorable locations that you’ve been in?

Have you ever seen a swimmer (person overboard) whilst water rafting?

Do you prefer big water or low water?

Have you ever been in a class 4 rapid?



Have you ever tried white water kayaking?

Do you have a preferred type of kayak (sit on top, sit in, inflatable)?

What is the highest river grade you’ve been in?

Have you ever capsized?

Do you have a plastic or carbon fibre / fibreglass paddle?



How often do you wipe out?

Have you ever been under a barrelling wave?

Can you cutback or punt/ aerial?

Have you ever duck dived underwater?

How high is the largest wave you have ever caught?



How did you get started / What got you into sailing?

What type of boat do you own (yacht, dinghy, powerboat, cruiser)?

Have you ever felt seasick and if so, where were you at?

Heeling is when the sailboat leans over in the water, pushed by the wind, gaining speed.

Have you ever felt the sensation of heeling?

Do you prefer to tack or jibe (both are different ways of turning the boat)?


Click here for part 2.

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