Art of Seduction Summary


This is a summary of the Art of Seduction  (part 1), looking at the nine archetypes. Greene’s revolutionary book helps every individual to understand how to appeal to others via seduction, a delicate mysterious form of power, which brings the recipient’s defences lower.

Not to be confused as a cheap pick-up book, which the title may imply, seduction centres on persuading the psychology of others and letting their minds build up a more attractive image of us. This is the first part of 3 articles.

Art of Seduction Summary book cover
The Art of Seduction Summary Book Cover

Assume a Seductive Character


Excite people’s imaginations by assuming any of the nine types of seductive personas that people are gravitated by. Each character consists of different variations, so assess your personality in order to comply with one of the character’s requirements. Fully cultivate the necessary traits of one persona wholeheartedly before adding on a few secondary trades add depth to your character.


The Siren


Usually in relationships the man assumes the role of responsibility, seen by his rationality and control of situations. Sirens reverse these roles, leading men to a pleasure filled experiences. Suddenly men are subject to being at the mercy of a siren controlled illusion.

Spectacular Sirens are larger than life females, who transforms their imagery by;

  • the way their choice of dress
  • makeup
  • her vague use of words.

layering  theatre to the male fantasies – bringing it to life.

The Sex Sirens are females who evoke sexuality unconsciously by;

  1. constructing their tone of voice
  2. how they walk and look
  3. gaze towards other males.

By adding a touch off innocence and vulnerability, the male assumes the role of a guardian/ father figure.  But the female is actually in control of his actions.

Sirens differentiate themselves from other women through being faintly elusive and acting distant. Impulsively, the male chases her as he loses control over reason. They offer an outlet for danger, that which is forbidden, making her partner feel alive. To be unreachable they could incite fear in their partners by abrupt mood swings, keeping the man off balance. Occasionally intimidating him with erratic behaviour.


The Rake

Often women never feel truly appreciated or desired by their male partners, questioning their femininity.  Offering undivided attention to a female, the Rake willingly participates in an unrestrained pursuit of her. However she is one of his many conquests, as the Rake has a reputation for being a serial seducer. Known for his disloyal nature, ladies welcome him as they are intrigued with how different ladies have succumbed to him.

Conversely, the Rake presents what society regularly doesn’t permit to females: an affair of danger and pleasure.  Women are limited by the role they have to play publicly and in the romantic realm. Significantly it emphasizes responsibility, servitude, passivity and a lack of adventure. Beneath these clauses, a withstanding female dream is to meet a man who gives himself absolutely. Above all the Rake lives for her, regardless of the duration.

Residing in the female unconscious, the repressed desire of danger makes females want to partake in something uncommon. To clarify,  an opportunity to play out her own exciting ideals is offered by the Rake. Unapologetic about rejection from women or society, Rakes do not care, as these obstructions foster his unremorseful desire more. Wherever they roam, Rakes are known for their reputation, which they openly embrace and exaggerate.

Different Types of Rakes

The Ardent Rake is known for the lengths they go through in order to be with the women they desire. His audacious behaviour wins the attention of all women, as his public displays of affection are interpreted as brave. Additionally, women do not feel as though they are being manipulated because of these daring acts. Likewise, she sees his shortcomings, as the Rake has zero control over himself, being a captive to all ladies. As such he rouses no suspicion.

The Demonic Rake is distinguished by their ability to incorporate flowery vocabulary in their speech, which has a mesmerizing effect on the listener. Henceforth, their choice of words suggests something more and the language is pleasant to hear. Words such as: spellbinding, narcotic, ecstasy, create imagery in the mind of the receiver. The purpose of this language is not to communicate information but to convince, compliment and cause internal strife.


 The Ideal Lover

The vast majority of people have dreams in their childhood that get broken or worn out with age. As a result of their joyous past, people end up disheartened by individuals, occasions, the embittered reality. These facets can’t match with their heightened standards.

Consequently, Ideal Lovers blossom with individuals who have messed up dreams. The Ideal Lover mirrors their partner’s dream. Glorifying their partner’s picture, this person is a craftsman in making the deception their partner requires.

Different Types of Ideal Lovers

The Romantic Ideal gives life to the recipients fantasy. Study and focus your partner to see what they are longing for / missing. Then provide it. Whether they seek:

  • adventure and romance- wanting someone who would forfeit their own time and comfort to be with them
  • friendship – participating in conversation, whilst being understanding
  • suffering / torment – as their life was too easy

Listen to the wishes of your partner at the expense of your own.

The Beauty Ideal is fascinated by the idea of everlasting beauty. First of all, they elevate their presence with:

  1. wonderful aromas,
  2. visual joys surrounding them,
  3. alternating between outfits, every one exquisite and astonishing in its own particular manner.

To demonstrate your partner’s dreams, these choices must align, bringing it to life. After engaging with the squashed standards inside them offer to bridge this gap of undiscovered goals. As a result of knowing what they are disappointed by in life you have the avenue to providing these opportunities.

For example, some women long for the chivalrous ideal whereby a knight would undertake perilous tasks on her behalf.  All the while staying in absolute devotion towards her. Writing spiritual poems about her, the knight would play on her vanity. Be attentive to the sensual parts of seduction, as every action is taken with care.


The Ideal Lover Archetype
The Ideal Lover Archetype


The Dandy


Many of us feel caught inside the restricted characters that the world forces us to become. Dandies have a more fluid identity, constructing their own persona, questioning our own. They can’t be classified, playing with the pre-conceptions of femininity and masculinity.  Due to their androgynous portrayal they appeal to the selfishness of each sex: to a lady they are mentally female. The reverse is true towards a male.

Different Types of Dandies

The Feminine Dandy possesses numerous ladylike qualities yet remains a man. Their attention to detail and flower-boy imagery, toys with gender descriptions, but essentially, they still have the same sense of danger as a man. Existing within the sphere of women by having similar interests, He draws the lady in with precisely what she needs — a familiar presence.

He shows thoughtfulness regarding his appearance, a slight flirtatiousness, at times he acts cold when being courted. Yet retains elements of his of own manly character. Ladies are egotists, in adoration with the charms of their own sex. Showing them ladylike appeal, a man can entrance them. Accordingly leaving them powerless against a strong, manly move in the latter stages of seduction.

The Masculine Dandy is the opposite, as the female has masculine qualities – which causes males to be interested in her. Their non-conformity to gender roles is seen by the masculine energy they give off. Whilst these females retain an endearing smile and flirtatious wit, they are detached to the charms of the male.

Utilizing their cold demeanour they draw attention to a male’s mistakes, forced discipline on his excessively heartfelt gestures.  However, they rouse thoughts for new ideas. Focused on more pressing matters, she is independent and have no need for a man to influence their life. Intellectually, their capabilities are not inferior to their male counterparts, as they will always notice opportunities to joke / retort.


The Natural


The Natural provides a glimpse into the golden years of childhood with the idealized corresponding qualities of a child (spontaneity, honesty). In the presence of Naturals, we feel calm, as their lively soul ships people back to that brilliant age.

Likewise, Naturals are not shy of displaying their weakness making us need to safeguard them to help them. Their air of innocence helps bring down the defences of their peers since they have no ulterior motives.

Retaining elements of childhood spirituality, Naturals are not tainted by the disillusionment of the daily lives of adults. Individuals are sympathetic to those who are uncontrollably foolish and not a reluctant adult with a childish streak. Essentially, the characteristics of innocence, exaggerating your shortcomings / misconceptions of the world, appear ingratiating.

Innocence is feeble on the grounds that it is ill-fated to disappear in a brutal, savage world. The errors derive from the child’s unawareness about the insidiousness and dishonesty in society, seeing everything through uncorrupted eyes.

Inspiring compassion, the shortcoming of these false impressions makes us giggle. Altogether, nothing is more tempting than a combination of laughter and compassion.

Different Types of Naturals

Impish children have a mischief that we grown-ups have lost. Since they don’t see the potential outcomes of their activities, they are audacious.  Unable to ascertain how individuals may be outraged or the impending danger, Impish Children taint you with their carefree soul. Assuming you fill the role, don’t stress over the consequences — you are excessively adorable and people will excuse you. Simply don’t apologize or look humble, for that would break the spell.

A Child Wonder has an exceptional, illogical ability, a gift for: music, math, sport etc. At work in the field in which they have such expertise, these youngsters appear to be easily moved by their activities. On the off chance that they are specialist Mozart types, their work appears to spring from some innate drive. Importantly, this requires amazingly little thought.

Moreover, if the ability is self-cultivated, they are privileged with uncommon energy, aptitude, spontaneity.  Appearing to be capable past their years, their knowledge intrigues others.

Grown-up Wonders are previous young prodigies who have surprisingly held on to their energetic impulsivity and improvisational abilities. In order for your work to show up effortless, conceal your practice.

The more you conceal the perspiration behind what you do, the more natural it will show up.


Art of Seduction - The Natural Archetype
Art of Seduction – The Natural Archetype

The Coquette


Coquettes revel in their capacity to delay satisfaction, constantly teetering between hot and cold. Promising a reward that is in plain view, they still remain unreachable. Subsequent of the back-and- forth tension, their partners are kept on their toes for the sake of achieving this gratification. Their coldness reminds their recipient that they are independent, unreachable, so the challenge of a relationship seems insurmountable.

Adapt to the other persons moods, making yourself seem on their wavelength. This leads to the other person to think that you are accessible, however you must also withdraw from them.  Fostering them to have the agency to come to you.

The frustration from this chase gives value, as you have yet to surrender but they remain interested.

Through withdrawing yourself from them, their insecurities are intensified.  

Believing it to be their fault that you have distanced yourself from them, their reliance on your virtuous image increases. In spite of this, once again you must appear to be within their reach shortly afterwards.


Different Types of Coquettes

Cold Coquettes are elusive figures making others seek after them. Energizing to associate with, their coolness forms an agreeable certainty, where their quiet makes you need to talk. Seeming to having no requirement for others, their self-control makes people hungry for the smallest indication of acknowledgment.

Cold Coquettes might be irritating to manage — never committing alongside never saying no, never permitting closeness. Although, more regularly than not we end up returning to them.

Keep in mind: seduction is a course of attracting individuals, making them need to seek after and have you. Act to be far off and individuals will go distraught to win your approval.

Too much attention when pursuing a love interest makes yourself appear over-dependent and clingy. Alleviating this worry, Coquettes make themselves available to you following your bouts of weakness, deciding when to selectively withdraw. In their absence a grander picture of them is built in the recipient’s mind.

Rarely do they outright reveal their motivations, using ambiguous speech to keep the recipient from guessing their true feelings.  Notorious for inciting jealousy by paying attention to a third party, coquettes establish a list of connections. Signalling to their victims that they may not be that interested.


The Charmer


Charm is seduction without sex. Veiling their intelligence by avoiding drawing attention to themselves, Charmers are consummate controllers

Instead, they pass the spotlight towards the recipient.

They grasp your soul, sympathize with your miscarriages of justice, adjust to your states of mind. Within the sight of a Charmer, you rest easier thinking about yourself.

Charmers don’t over impose, battle, whine, or annoy. Their partners are reliant on them since they focus on individuals’ essential shortcomings: vanity and self-confidence.

Shift your recipient towards being the focal point of consideration. Muting their own colours, Charmers specializing in listening to the viewpoints of others and observing their behaviours. Allow your participants to talk about themselves, uncovering their personality in the process.

Different Types of Charmers

Figuring out details about them — such as their shortcomings — you individualize your compliments towards their insecurities and praise their strengths.  By adjusting to their soul and understanding their burdens, you can make them feel greater, approving their self-worth. Make them the star and they will become dependent on you.

Charmers are an oasis of delight. Nobody needs to know of your concerns and inconveniences. Pay attention to your recipients’ protests, however more significantly, divert them from their concerns by flattery.

In any case people want to hang around the charmer due to their personality. Being fun and light-hearted brings more enjoyment than being critical and serious. Avoid appearing bored as people prefer to surround themselves with people who give them energy.

The Charmer knows how to prevent arguments. Never work up hostilities that could damage your peaceful appearance. Retreat when encountering forceful opponents letting them have their little triumphs. Never reprimand individuals publicly— that will make them insecure, and impervious to change. Rather plant thoughts, hint at ideas, through the desirable mode of diplomacy.

Follow through on your promises to make yourself useful. Make people be a better version of themselves by focusing on their good qualities, even those which they are unaware of.


The Charismatic

Everyone wants to be around people who exude charisma. Manifesting from self-assurance, charisma denotes a sense of purpose, contentment—a scarcity among most people. This quality emanates outward, causing us to envision there is something else to them besides meets the eye. They portray divine beings.

Charismatics elevate their magnetism with a puncturing look, blazing speech, an aspect of secrecy, all the while being detached.

Losing ourselves to their cause, most people are unaware of where the charismatic’s certainty or happiness comes from. Invigorated by their confidence, we become sincerely joined to their plight – willing to be led.

Different Types of Charismatics

All Charismatic’s have a Purpose. Following the dream of your end destination, the group will intuitively follow you.

The course doesn’t make any difference: pick a cause, an ideal, a dream. Then illustrate that you won’t be swayed from your objective. Individuals will envision that your certainty comes from something genuine. Purposefulness mixed with decisiveness is doubly magnetic in difficult situations.

Defined by their uncompromising values, Charismatics have a saintly depiction in their struggle. Their refusal to give in to the demands of the world are a testament to their character. Compelling others to follow suit.

Words are the means to cause emotional disturbances in people. Charismatic’s also have a theatrical presence that garners attention.  Shockingly it isn’t the entertainer who shouts the most intensely or acts the most flamboyantly who gains the trust of the people.

Rather the entertainer who keeps calm, transmitting confidence is widely supported. Crucially represent yourself as mindful, see yourself as others see you.

Correspondingly, the adventurous nature of Charismatics is demonstrated by their willingness to take risks for the betterment of the masses. Their level-headed decision making juxtaposed with the brashness of their stunts makes them appear as a saviour. In particular they are fighting for a cause on behalf of the people. Never exhibit your fear or nerves for that will destroy the illusion.

By the same token, your character requires depth. Visible to the masses, you acknowledge the contradictions in your personality which are not hidden.

The Star


Standing out from the rest of the population, Stars  are a dreamlike presence which the rest of us want to imitate. Comparatively, people choose to watch them because they’re different. Existing at the periphery, people unconsciously add more to their character than they outwardly display since the star represents an idealized archetype that people recognise from media outlets.

Being both real and unreal simultaneously, the Star acts as if they are a movie archetypal personality that has descended on Earth but restrain themselves, so their illusion remains.

You should figure out how to stir an individuals’ interest by allowing them to see something in your confidential life that appears to uncover a component of your character. Let them fantasize and envision.

A characteristic that frequently sets off this response is a hint of spiritual otherworldliness. Traces of goodness and large heartedness can also add to this affect.

People are drawn in by the minute details a Star has which grounds them in reality. This goes beyond physical appearances as we are focusing on the imperfections or unique traits that a star has, whether it is a signature smile or a deep voice. Play up the stereotype which you embody and others who identify with the same archetype will gravitate towards you.


Different Types of Star

The Fetishistic Star is an object that demands an emotional response and that makes us breathe life into it. People become the object, subject to the fantasies of the beholder. The Fetishitic Star is a blank canvas, as their distance towards others cause them to be the subject of worship. All parts of their body are opportunities of worship, which draws the attention of the recipient.

The Mythic Star acts in accordance with their associated myth. Mythic Stars are figures of legend that have become fully awake. After researching a mythic archetype, you should initially concentrate on their actual presence — how they embrace a particular style, outwardly capturing their essence. Familiarize yourself the posture of a mythic figure.

The Star attracts interpretations.

Make these associations unclear; they ought to never be clear to the cognisant brain. Your words and activities should welcome understanding past their surface appearance as they are not explicit but broad issues seen in stories including love and disdain, authority. Your rival, ought to be outlined not just as an foe because of reasons of philosophy or rivalry but dramatized as an evil presence.

Develop a clear, secretive face, the middle that emanates a blankness. This permits individuals to add  anything they desire to you, envisioning they can see your personality or spirit. Rather than flagging temperaments and feelings, do not highlight your emotions.

The Anti- Seducer


The Anti-Seducer repels other people instead of seducing them. They have traits which are to be avoided at all costs:

  1. Suffocator – falls in love with you before you know of their presence. They are not overwhelmed with the recipient but have a deep rooted inner void and latch onto anything that provides them with attention.
  2. Moralizer – follows fixed thoughts and attempts to make you conform to their standards. They need to change you, so they perpetually scrutinize and pass judgment.
  3. Vulgarian – impulsive. Lacks attention towards their physical appearance. Lack of self control.
  4. Bumbler – overly self-conscious, which becomes negatively contagious.
  5. Tightwads – cheap, uncharitable, unwilling to invest money in others.
  6. Windbags – talk too much, especially about themselves.
  7. Reactor – have a fragile self-ego. Are oversensitive.
  8. Brute – has no patience, seeking immediate pleasure.


Art of Seduction 9 Archetypes Infographic
Art of Seduction 9 Archetypes Infographic


Ordinarily, people want to appeal themselves to the rest of us. To begin with, buying this book would be a proactive first step.

Beyond buying this book, should you want to learn to be witty, check out this article.

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