About Us

Photo of Thareq

I bet you’re like me and also have a tragic backstory. 

Tell me if this sounds familiar. 

Once upon a time, the innocent you, attended a social gathering. 

Instantly you realized  you’re different and don’t fit in. 

Any conversation attempt you made, that was few and far between in the first place, did not go anywhere. As you thought about how you could have responded differently on your way home, you had a moment of clarity. 

‘I need to change.’

 Thus, you entered the world of self help, but still could never utilize any of the lessons you had learnt from the books.

This website is my project that documents my lessons learnt from reading books, so that we can all benefit in this process of diagnosing our weaknesses.

I believe that people should attempt to change their circumstances if they’re unhappy about it. Let us not succumb to our fate that has been externally prescribed to us and place the ability to change ourselves in our own hands.

Thus, let us both embark on this grand adventure. 

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