The Art of Seduction 18 Victim Types


The Art of Seduction 18 Victim Types

This is a summary of the 18 Victim Types mentioned in the Art of Seduction. Alongside being the second Article of this 3 part series.

When attempting to seduce someone, you should identify what type of victim they are. With this in mind, you can tell what they are attracted to. Recognise what it is they are missing in their life (attention, intellectual stimulation, romance, adventure, etc).  

You must be the person who can fill these voids.

However, you must never try to seduce someone who falls under the same category as you because they too lack what is absent in yourself.

Art of Seduction 18 Victim Types - Infographic
Art of Seduction 18 Victim Types – Infographic


The Reformed Rake / Siren


Once upon a time, they were famed for being able to easily seduce the opposite gender at ease. But at present they had to surrender their pleasure seeking ways. Reluctantly, they either grew old and were forced to settle down or they faced social backlash. The Reformed Rake or Siren longs to go back to their past with their grandiose reputation.

Ensure that these people always feel as though they are in control over the seduction process. Act as though you are in awe of them and that their charms have penetrated your soul.  Give them the chance to continue their rakish ways.

Above all, you can only offer them an escape since these people are inherently unfaithful. Even so, after you convince them that you are willing to sacrifice everything for them, they will leave you.


The Disappointed Dreamer

As youngsters, they most likely spent a great deal of time alone. To engage themselves they imagined living a potent fantasy life, taken in by the world books, movies, pop culture.

Progressively, when they became older it turned out to be hard to accommodate their wistful dreams into reality. Thus, they are frequently disheartened by what they get. Seeking to live out heartfelt romantic tales, which they have learnt of in their youth, they yearn for adventure.

Recognisable by their tastes in books, movies, dramas, the Disappointed Dreamer is influenced by these consumptions. Generally, they have a lot of repressed enthusiasm and passion, which, you can redirect around yourself.

Likewise, they have extraordinary imaginations, so would answer to anything mysterious or romantic that you offer them. Provide them with a piece of their fantasy and they will envision the rest.


The Pampered Royal



As children they were spoilt vicariously by their doting parents, who supplied them with endless forms of entertainment, toys, attention. While numerous youngsters figured out how to engage themselves, Pampered Royals believe that other people will entertain them. Hence, they never took the initiative.  Nonetheless, as they age, the guardians are no longer in a position to spoil them.

Their answer is to track down joy through variety.  Fluctuating from one individual to the next, job- hopping, or travelling before the dreaded boredom appears, they continually change gears. Work issues, short term romances, a loose global connection of friends plague them.

On the whole, what they are truly looking for is one individual, that parental figure, who will spoil them.

In short, when tempting the Pampered Royal, be prepared to give a ton of new novelties:

  • new spots to visit
  • experiences
  • spectacles

Maintain a demeanour of secrecy, persistently amazing your victim with another side to your personality.

After these people become used to the routine, they turn restless, so variety is needed. In any case, you should do a large part of the work as a pre-requisite. Assuming you intend for a long-term relationship, hide it, as the thought will make them fear their current security.


The New Prude


A prude is somebody who is exorbitantly worried about appearances, with what society considers an appropriate way of behaving. Thoroughly, they stay inside the limits of rightness since more than anything they dread society’s judgment. In reality, they are interested in transgressing the boundaries, as they have been intrigued in the guilty.

Scared by this fascination, they run the other way and act in the opposite end of the spectrum.  Becoming the most right of all, they tend to wear dull clothing; they surely never take style gambles.

Uniquely, they can be very critical of individuals who in are willing to take risks. What is more, they are dependent on daily schedule, which gives them a method for quelling their internal disturbance.

Frequently the New Prude will be enticed by somebody with a perilous or wicked side. Notably, don’t be taken in by their condemnations / reactions of your choices. Indicating of how profoundly you intrigue them, you are at the forefront of their thoughts.

As a matter of fact, by allowing them the opportunity to attempt to reform you, they come across corruption.

The Crushed Star


At one point and time the Crushed Star was at the centre of attention by their peers. At present they are left with memories of the good old days,  relishing their past skill or charm. Meanwhile trying to actively be the centre of attention in a social setting leads to negative resentment from their peers.

Henceforth, they had to accept being in the background. When a Crushed Star receives attention, they glow. Direct the light towards them by dimming your own light and making them shine in comparison.


The Novice


Novices are hopelessly curious about the world around them, which they have been informed of second hand. Usually, their lack of experience becomes tiring since they desire to be inaugurated into the ways of the world. Their innocence is only surface level since they are interested in the sinister depths of adventure.

Uncovering them to different ideas, taking them to new spots, visiting new colourful spectacles, is the method to helping them live out their travel fantasies.  Try to be childish yourself but wise at the same time. Everything should be heartfelt, including the malicious and clouded side of life.

During the initiation phase, enticing language makes all the difference for the Novice. Beautiful scenes / occasions appeal to their delicate preconceptions of romance. Readily, they are deceived by these strategies since they come up short on experience to see through them.

Older Novices are somewhat more seasoned, having been subject to different experiences. However, they put on an act of innocence, for they see the power it has over in the status quo. Conversely letting the other individual to centralize control over the experience. The method for luring them is basically the same — blend innocence and corruption.


The Conqueror


This is self-explanatory, the Conqueror dominantly lurks in the shadows waiting to conquer individuals. Not necessarily easy to identify, they can appear to be a little shy / bashful in social circumstances. Albeit, when looking at their actions they gravitate to power.

Prone to emotional outbursts to illicit a desired reaction, every action they perform is calculated. Enjoying the thrill of overcoming obstacles, the Conqueror will throw a person away once they have been conquered.

Knowing when to be hot and cold towards them is the best way to keep them interested in you. Passive resistance will only make them bored.


The Exotic Fetishist

The lifestyle choices that the Exotic Fetishist makes are governed by their interest in foreign culture. Truly, they feel a void inside of them that manifests into self-hatred. Unhappy with their social class, background or culture, they want to present themselves as different from everybody else.

These sorts are not difficult to perceive:

  • They like to travel
  • Their homes are loaded up with objects from distant countries
  • They fetishize the music or craft an unfamiliar culture

Obviously, the method for luring them is to situate yourself as exotic. Since they are prone to rebel against their society, indulge them by following suit in your performance of a foreigner.

Demonstrate your distinction via your garments, the things you discuss, the locations you visit. Overstate a bit and they will envision the rest, on the grounds that such sorts will generally be self-deluders.


Art of Seduction 18 Victim Types - Exotic Fetishist
Art of Seduction 18 Victim Types – Exotic Fetishist




The Drama Queen


There are individuals who strangely enough can’t function without some form of consistent drama in their lives. Regrettably, it is their approach to redirecting boredom. Do not advertise dependability and security, as they thrive in having something to grumble about.

They need torment.

Acting as the victim is a wellspring of joy for them. With this in mind, you must also be ready to give them the mentally unpleasant treatment they crave. Consequently, it gives them ammunition to complain. The second you decide to be Mr.Nice-Guy, they will dispose of you.

Drama Queens are perceivable by:

  1. the scale of individuals who have harmed them
  2. recalling the number of misfortunes in their daily lives
  3. their protests.


If for reasons unknown, you seek a long-term relationship with this kind, continually infuse drama into your relationship. For some this can be an energizing test and a hotspot for incessantly recharging the relationship.


The Professor


The Professor feels obligated to pass judgment and examine all that appears in their line of sight. Ordinarily, their intellectual capacities are overdeveloped and overstimulated. When they discuss love, it is with extraordinary thought and investigation.

Markedly, their mind has developed at a faster pace to the detriment of their physical body. Thereupon, they feel truly mediocre and required to compensate by making a show of their superior intellect. Their discussion is filled with sarcasm — you never fully understand what they are talking about. Despite this,  you sense them looking at you with contempt.

The Professor wants to break out of their identity as intellectual superiors, wishing for a physical love. More often than not they participate in relationships with other Professor types, due to familiarity. As well as the aspect of intellectual debate, they have the opportunity to espouse their genius.

But this leaves them empty of physical passion, which they seek.

Delude them into thinking they are control of the situation via being faulted for your mental limits. Then seduction will be successful.


The Beauty


Due to their aesthetics the Beauty is stared at by others from afar, with a worshipful gaze. Ergo, she suffers from loneliness and isolation. Constantly worrying if her attractiveness is declining, she fears that she would fade into the crowd.

Undeniably, they want to be seen as for more than their looks. Other people do not take notice of her intellect, character or skills.

Revere her body — you can’t work up any insecurities about her strengths which she most depends on. Similarly, you should love her mind and soul.

Intellectual discussions will function admirably on the Beauty, diverting her from her questions and uncertainties about you.  Not to mention you now appear that you value that side of her character.

Her many insecurities need to be attended to. As the object of inspection of others, their nature usually is passive. Below her passivity lies disappointment, as they would love to be more active. Starved by her stagnancy, she aspires to do some chasing of her own.


The Aging Baby


Certain individuals will not grow up. Fearing death or of becoming old, they resort to performing as children. Detesting responsibility, they manage to morph everything into play and entertainment, despite being an adult.

One Aging Baby would rather not be engaged with another Aging Baby. Even if by mixing, they could appear to expand the opportunities for play and silliness. Unquestionably the Aging Baby doesn’t need rivalry, instead they desire a grown-up figure.

Modify yourself to be responsible and dependable. By being capable you free the Baby to play. Act the cherishing grown-up, never deciding on condemning their way of behaving, and a solid connection will be nourished. Aging Babies can be entertaining for some time, yet like all youngsters, they prioritize their own self-interest.


The Rescuer


Indeed, people are frequently attracted to individuals who appear to be defenceless or feeble. Melancholic gloom can really be very enchanting. The Rescuer is one extreme as they appear to be drawn in just to individuals with issues. Giving the impression of respectability is not of their concern. Rescuers typically have convoluted thought processes because they have sensitive qualities and genuinely wish to help.

Ignoring their own issues which are left unresolved, they fancy taking care of their partner’s concerns – giving them power. Noticeable by their sympathy — they listen well and attempt to inspire you to open up a discussion. To enumerate, they have accounts of past experiences with reliant and problem centred individuals.

If you are female, play the role of a distressed maiden. Prompt the man the opportunity to enact as the knight. Alternatively, if you are a man, play the person who can’t manage this brutal world. A female Rescuer will wrap you in maternal consideration.

Mimic, a quality of misery and draw either orientation in. Overstate your shortcomings, yet not through unmistakable words or signals. Impart the sense that you have:

  1. had too little love
  2. dire luck in relationships
  3. gotten an unfair arrangement throughout everyday life

As the Rescuer feels compelled to assist you, have a list of personal of needs and weaknesses. Similarly, you can embody the moral savage; you are terrible / have done awful things, necessitating a harsh loving hand.


The Roue


This category of people have enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle combined with hedonism due to their impressive finances. Outwardly they will quite often appear to be critical and fatigued. Yet their experience frequently conceals their ideal of the youthful and the honest.

Begging to regain their lost youth; they tragically miss when everything was fresh / novel.  Hold some degree youthfulness to tempt them. It is not difficult to play this up — make a demonstration of how little experience you have on the planet.

Additionally, it is beneficial to appear to resist their advances, as Roués will think it invigorating to pursue you. You can even appear to loathe and be wary of them — this cold behaviour encourages them. Situate yourself at the helm by being the one who opposes, you control the dynamic. Regardless, you must maintain your youthful naivety.


The Sensualist


Sensualists are known for their overactive senses. Categorized by their actions within different environments, they can’t handle a room without daylight. Furthermore, they are discouraged by specific tones of colour, or energized by specific scents. Devoid of a rose-coloured life, they happen to live in a culture that deemphasizes exotic sensual experiences.

The Sensualist needs is aroused by variety in encounters/ experiences which they appreciate and savour. They are seduced by visiting wonderous locations, which when focused on detail, encompass them in spectacle utilizing many senses. Also pleasant aromas and dazzling colours are readily receptive.


The Lonely Leader


Influential individuals are not the same as the rest of the ordinary population. This outlook affects their characters. Generally, people want something from them, leading them to be dubious and sceptical of others. Due to their isolation they wished to be seduced and overwhelmed.

Tactics including cheap flattery / sweet talk are transparent to them. It is better to act as their equal or superior, which is rare to them. Being blunt is equivalent to being honest, therefore being genuine. As a consequence of their social position their work life overpowers daily seduction. This victim demands patience, whereby your image slowly invades their conscious is the optimal approach.

Art of Seduction 18 Victim Types - Lonely Leader
Art of Seduction 18 Victim Types – Lonely Leader



The Floating Gender

People usually have a combination of masculine and feminine aspects of their identity. However, a large portion of us figure out how to display the socially acceptable side while stifling the other.

Detached from the binaries of gender, these are androgynous figures. These victims want to have the option to play with their orientation, to give full articulation to both sides. Many individuals fall into this kind unknowingly, as a female might have a masculine energy. In contrast a man might cultivate an aesthetic style.

In light of the fact that they stay underground try not to search for clear signs. What Floating Gender types are truly searching for is someone else who can’t be categorized by gender norms. Show them that in your presence and they can unwind, expressing the stifled side of their personality. Exploring gender combinations without the other participant judging them is their ideal.


The Idol Worshipper


Being adoring fans, they seek a medium  through which they can vent their passion towards. Broadcast a reason to for them to worship you by having an elevated thought process or honing your looks. Hide your flaws and appear saintly.  It is advisable to enact the Fetishistic Star archetype – seen in part 1 – where you want to give as less information away as possible.


Purchase the book here, to get the full run down of the archetypes.

Click here, to go over part  one of the summary regarding The Art of Seduction.

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